Yizkor – In Memory Of…
I remember growing up being fascinated by the twinkling lights of the “Memorial Plaques” which were all turned on for Yom Kippur. I also remember my Mom lighting the “yahrzeit” candles for her Dad who died even younger. As a young child, I wondered if I would ever light those candles for someone I loved.
My Mom z”l died young – she was only 74. All of a sudden I became a member of the “Yizkor Candle Lighting Club – The “Yahrzeit* Club.” I now light a candle also for my Dad, and my husband lights for his Dad z”l.
We light the yizkor candles for Yom Kippur, Shemini-Atzeret, Pesach and Shavuot, as well as the Jewish anniversary (lunar calendar) of their passing. In Israel, people also light a candle on “Memorial Day For The Soldiers And Victims Of Terror” if someone passed in their family.
Being a member of the Yahrzeit Club is not as cool as I thought it was, as a young child. It does, though, have its own uplifting moments. It’s a time to remember those who have died. I remember with fondness and nostalgia of holidays shared, birthdays celebrated, family meals together. Being a member of the “club” gives me a chance to reflect on their lives as well as mine, on a regular basis.
Memory is a great thing. It is the foundation of everything we are or are to become. We learn from those who came before us. We learn many lessons and remember them as role models of ideals and traditions we want to carry with us and sometimes for habits or roles which we do not want to copy. Both are critical in the building of our ourselves into who we are today.
When I light the yahrzeit candle, I am transported back into my Mother’s aura. For a brief moment, she is standing next to me, reciting the blessing with me. I feel her strength and her warmth. I am enveloped, if but for a streaking moment, into her world. I think she would be proud of me. At least, I hope so.
I would be remiss if I did not mention that the last time I lit my yizkor candles, I used my personalized “Yizkor Candle Holder,” which you can find on my Etsy web site. Now my memories are tied to a physical thing, not just a candle. I intend to leave these candle holders out on display next to my Shabbat candles, so that every time I light candles for the Sabbath or a holiday, the memories will be enhanced.
“Memories are not meant to be brought to light 5 times a year. They should last an eternity.”
– The Yiddish word for “annual memorial,” when traditionally a 24 hour candle is lit in the evening of the anniversary of a loved one’s death, and 4 holidays.